Research projects:

Assessment of the current status of the Bieszczady bear population 

In 2009, the size of the Bieszczady bear population was determined for the first time on the basis of genetic identification of individuals. Several years have passed. Have bears increased, as the increasing conflict with humans might indicate? Or is the bear population of similar size, but human pressure has increased and therefore conflict situations are more frequent? Ongoing research will help answer these questions. 


Years of realisation: 2022-2024

Source of funding: grant from WWF


Comparison of genetic variation in Polish and Ukrainian wolf populations from the Carpathian region

In the Ukrainian Carpathians, wolves are subject to intensive hunting, while in the Polish Carpathians they are under strict protection. How does this affect genetic variation and gene flow between the two populations? This is the question our project aims to answer. 

Years of realisation: 2023

Source of funding: grant from WWF


Bieszczady Large Carnivore Project

The first studies on the biology and ecology of Bieszczady wolves, bears and lynxes were carried out in the 1980s. Since the 1990s, field research has been carried out almost continuously to collect data and materials. Much has changed in the Bieszczady in these decades. The wolf and lynx are no longer game animals. Dead livestock are no longer placed under hunting pulpits as bait for predators. At the same time, the number of wild ungulates (especially deer) in the Bieszczady Mountains has decreased significantly. On the other hand, anthropopressure has increased, especially car traffic and the development of the area. How have all these changes affected large carnivores.  The Foundation's research aims to answer these questions.

The project is funded thanks to the generosity of donors, so any support makes a huge difference to the project.




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